Curriculum and Assessment Maps
Introduction/course overview:
Personal, social, health and economic (PSHRE) education has now been part of the National Curriculum for over 10 years, and is intended to support pupils’ learning and personal development.
Personal, social, health and economic education is a planned programme to help children and young people develop fully as individuals and as members of families and social and economic communities. Effective PSHRE education is intended to help equip them with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthily, safely, productively and responsibly.
Years 7/8 KS3 curriculum:
Pupils can reflect on and evaluate their achievements and strengths in all areas of their lives and recognise their own worth. They demonstrate respect for differences between people. They can recognise some strong emotions and identify ways of managing these emotions positively (for example talking with a friend or teacher about their feelings on divorce or falling in love).
Areas covered
- Enjoying a healthy and active lifestyle
- Healthy Relationships
- Managing my money
- Esafety
- Prevent
Year 9/10 KS4 curriculum:
Pupils can assess their personal qualities, skills and achievements and use them to set future goals (for example in public performance, in challenging physical activities). They can present themselves confidently and use praise and criticism effectively.
Areas covered
- Enjoying a healthy and active lifestyle
- Healthy Relationships
- Managing my money
- Elections and political parties
- Exploring alcohol
- Prevent
- Sexual Violence & Harassment
- Esafety
- Knife Gang Crime
Year 11 KS4 curriculum:
Pupils can assess their personal qualities, skills and achievements and use them to set future goals (for example in public performance, in challenging physical activities). They can present themselves confidently and use praise and criticism effectively. They can identify the range of post-16 options available to them and can use careers advice and support networks to plan and negotiate their career pathways, setting realistic targets.
Areas covered
- Human Rights
- Post 16 options/careers
- Exploring alcohol
- Leaving home.
- Study skill & Exams preparations
- Prevent
- Sexual Violence & Harassment
- Esafety
- Knife Gang Crime