Website: https://www.bps.org.uk/news-and-blogs
Key stages: key stage 3 to key stage 5
Description: advice on dealing with school closures and talking to children about COVID-19.
Registration: not required
Children’s Society
Website: https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/coronavirus-information-and-support
Key stages: key stage 3 to key stage 5
Description: information and support on different aspects of mental health and wellbeing.
Registration: not required
Website: https://www.minded.org.uk/
Key stages: key stage 3 to key stage 5
Description: an educational resource for all adults on children and young people’s mental health.
Registration: is required
Rise Above
Website: https://riseabove.org.uk/topic/my-mind/
Key stages: key stage 3 to key stage 5
Description: videos with tips on gaining confidence, dealing with anxiety and coping strategies from other young people.
Registration: not required
The Child Bereavement Network
Website: http://www.childhoodbereavementnetwork.org.uk/covid-19.aspx
Key stages: key stage 3 to key stage 5
Description: advice on supporting grieving children during the coronavirus outbreak.
Registration: not required