Glossary of Terms
For a brief explanation of some terms or abbreviations, please see the below Glossary.
A, G &T Able, Gifted and Talented (also referred to as G & T, see below)
Academy A state-maintained independent school established by sponsors from business, faith or voluntary groups working with the government and local HE partners
ADHD Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
AEN Additional Educational Needs, a term used by some schools and groups instead of Special Educational Needs
AfL Assessment for Learning
ALIS The Advanced Level Information System (ALIS) provides performance indicators for post-16 students across all sectors of education and includes analysis of A level, AS level, Applied A levels, BTEC National and International Baccalaureate examinations
APP Assessing Pupils’ Progress
ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASET Advisory Service for the Education of Travellers
AST Advanced Skills Teacher — she/he is given time to spread best practice among colleagues, often in other schools
ATL Association of Teachers and Lecturers
Attainment Targets Age-related standards of achievement defined in the National Curriculum. They are expressed in terms of numbered levels, from 1 to 8
Bench Marking Establishing, often by means of some objective or diagnostic test, a base level of achievement for a pupil, against which future progress may be measured
BESD Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties
BfL Behaviour for Learning
BTEC National Qualification equivalent to two A levels
CAT Cognitive Abilities Test. Assessment of reasoning skills, using words, numbers and shapes. Often applied to Year 7 pupils at the beginning of the school year, to help teachers define their expectations
Catchment Area The area from which a school takes its pupils
CEDP Career Entry Development Profile – a document completed by the trainee at the end of the training year, and used to set the agenda for the NQT or Induction year
CEO Chief Education Officer
Child Protection Reister Lists children who may be at risk of abuse, neglect, or who are liable to harm
CLPE Centre for Literacy in Primary Education
Cluster A group of schools working together, perhaps on Curriculum initiatives, e.g. a consortium of secondary schools sharing 14 – 19 courses
Cohort The number of pupils on roll for a specific age group
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (includes regulations for the storage of correction fluid)
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CRB Criminal Record Bureau. It is mandatory for anyone working alone with children or the otherwise vulnerable to hold a current certificate
CTC City Technology College
DCSF Department for Children, Schools and Families. Previously known as the DfES (Department for Education and Skills), and, before that, as the DfEE (Department for Education and Employment)
DfE Department for Education. Replaced the DCSF (see above) in May 2010 on the election of the new government.
Diplomas Diplomas are new qualifications for 14-19 year olds. Created to provide an alternative to more traditional education and qualifications and offer validation for more vocational subjects than GCSEs
Directed Time Time when a teacher must be available to carry out duties under the direction of the Head. As well as teaching lessons, it covers other duties such as attending staff meetings and parent consultation meetings and taking part in training activities. A full-time teacher’s directed time amounts to a maximum of 1265 hours in any one school year, teaching on 190 days with five days for INSET
Disaffected Often used to describe pupils who are challenged by the education process
Disapplication A term used where National Curriculum requirements may not apply to a pupil
Disciplinary procedure A formal procedure followed in the event of a teacher’s conduct or performance proving unsatisfactory
EAL English as an Additional Language
EAZ Education Action Zones
EBacc English Baccalaureate, controversially introduced in 2010, is an award offered to those who gain a C or above in the following GCSEs: English, Maths, two Sciences, one Modern Language and one Humanities subject (either History or Geography).
EBD Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
EBITT Employment based Initial Teacher Training. See also ( SCITT ) and GTP
EBSD Emotional Behavioural and Social Difficulties
ECM Every Child Matters
EDP Education Development Plan
EiC Excellence in Cities
EHT Executive Head Teacher
EMA Education Maintenance Allowance
EMAG Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant
EO Education Officer
ESL / EFL English as a Second Language/English as a Foreign Language (However, the preferred term in schools is EAL, see above)
EWO / ESW Education Welfare Officer/Educational Social Worker. A professional worker who visits pupils’ homes and deals with attendance problems and other welfare matters
Exclusion Term used when pupils are barred from attending school. This can be for a fixed term or permanent
Extended School A school that provides a range of services and activities beyond the school day
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage
FE Further Education
FFT The Fischer Family Trust is an independent charity which provides analyses and data, to help schools to make more effective use of pupil performance data and value added testing. Often used to support target-setting.
Foundation Stage The first stage of education when children enter primary schools (age 3 to end of reception year at school)
Free Schools According to the DfE, Free Schools are 'all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to what people say they want and need in order to improve education for children in their community.' Like Academies, they can devise their own curriculum and are not bound by the National Curriculum.
FSM Free School Meals
FTE Full-time equivalent. When staff or pupils are part-time they may be counted as a fraction of a full-time employee or pupil, e.g. two staff employed for half the week = 1 FTE
G&T Gifted and Talented
GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education
GM Grant Maintained
GNVQ General National Vocational Qualification (Last awarded in 2007; replaced by the BTEC and Diploma, see above.)
GTC General Teaching Council - the professional body for teaching in England
GTP Graduate Teacher Programme
HLTA Higher Level Teaching Assistant
HMCI Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools. (Her Majesty’s Inspectorate are not the same as OfSTED)
HMI Her Majesty’s Inspectorate
Home School Agreements Non-binding documents setting out respective rights and responsibilities of parents and schools to be drawn up by the governing body under the 1998 Act
IBN International Baccalaureate
ICT Information Communication Technology
IEP Individual Education Plan. A set of short-term learning targets set down for a child with special educational needs – a practice sometimes extended to other children. To be used to support lesson planning and other provision
IGCSE International General Certificate of Secondary Education
IIP Investors In People
Inclusion Educating all children including those with special educational needs
Independent schools Schools that are not funded by the state
INSET In-Service Education and Training
ISW Inclusion Support Worker
ITE Initial Teacher Education (the term preferred by some universities in place of ITT below)
ITT Initial Teacher Training
IWB Interactive White Board
Key Stages The four stages of the National Curriculum
KS1 (Years 1-2) children up to 7 year olds
KS2 (Years 3-6) 7 to 11 year olds
KS3 (Years 7-9) usually 11 to 14 year olds, although some schools now organise their curriculum so that KS3 runs in Years 7-8 and KS4 runs from Year 9 - 11, to enable them to give more time to GCSE courses
KS4 (Year 10-11) 14 - 16 year olds
KS5 A term often used informally to refer to post-16 / A Level studies, but not officially recognised
LA Local Authority
LAC Looked After Children
LOtC Learning Outside the Classroom
LSA Learning Support Assistant
LSC Learning and Skills Council
LSU Learning Support Unit
MAST Multi Agency Support Team
MidYIS Middle Years Information System. Non-compulsory tests for students in Years 7-11
MLD Mild Learning Difficulty
MPS Main Pay Spine
NAA National Assessment Agency
NACE National Association for Able Children in Education
NAGC National Association for Gifted Children
NAHT National Association of Head Teachers
NAS/UWT National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers
NASG National Association of School Governors
NATE National Association for the Teaching of English
NC National Curriculum
NCPTA The National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations
NFER National Foundation for Educational Research
NGfL National Grid for Learning (which ran from 1998 - 2996 as a Government-funded gateway to educational resources on the internet)
NLS National Literacy Strategy
NOR Number on roll. The number of pupils registered at a school
NQF National Qualifications Framework (a framework that ranks all educational awards in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, ranging from Entry Level - e.g. Foundation Diploma, to Level 2 - e.g. GCSEs at A*-C, and so on up to Level 8 - e.g. doctorate)
NQT Newly Qualified Teacher
NUT National Union of Teachers
NVQ National Vocational Qualifications. A work-based qualification
Ofsted Office for Standards in Education. The official body for inspecting schools
OOSH (L) Out of School Hours (Learning)
OTTP Overseas Trained Teacher Programme
P Levels The P levels are intended as a form of teacher assessment for children working significantly below age-related expectations, who are unlikely to achieve beyond level 2 by the time they leave secondary school
PAF Performance Assessment Framework
PANDA Performance and Assessment now replaced by RAISEonline
Peripatetic Teacher Teacher employed to teach in a number of schools, usually to give specialist instruction of some kind, e.g. in music
PfS Partnership for School
PGCE Post Graduate Certificate in Education - a teaching qualification acredited by a university, which includes a period of practical teaching experience and assignments completed at Master's level (Level 7) OR Professional Graduate Certifcate in Education, as above but completed at Honours level (Level 6)
PMLD Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
PPD Postgraduate professional development
PRU Pupil Referral Unit. Also known as PRUIS
PSHE Personal, Social and Health Education (or Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education)
PTA Parent Teacher Association
PTE Part-time Equivalent
PTR Pupil Teacher Ratio
QCA Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency
QTS Qualified Teacher Status
RAISEonline RAISEonline provides interactive analysis of school and pupil performance data. It replaces the OfSTED Performance and Assessment (PANDA) reports and DCSF's Pupil Achievement Tracker (PAT)
SATs Standard Assessment Tasks. The principal official means of testing children for KS1 (7 years) and KS2 (11 years). Some schools also offer tests at the end of KS3 (14 years), although this is no longer compulsory. More properly (but rarely) referred to as ‘National Tests’
School Causing Concern The 1998 Act allows LEAs to issue a warning notice to a school where standards are unacceptably low (or are at risk of becoming so) and to undertake remedial action
SCITT School-Centred Initial Teacher Training
SDP (SIP) School Development / Improvement Plan
SEAL Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. A whole curriculum framework for developing all children’s social, emotional and behavioural skills
SEBD Social Educationally and Behaviourally Disturbed
SEF (SED) Self Evaluation Form (Self Evaluation Document); schools are required to complete a SEF and it is used as the basis of an Ofsted inspection
SEN Special Educational Needs – learning difficulties for which special educational provision has to be made. May include children with physical disabilities or emotional and behavioural disorders. For a full definition of Special Educational Needs, see the SEN Code of Practice (2001)
SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. Member of staff responsible for SEN provision
Serious Weaknesses
A school that is not failing may have a serious weakness, as defined by OFSTED. Action is required to make improvements within one year
SHA Secondary Heads Association
SIP School Improvement Plan
SLD Severe Learning Difficulties
SMT / SLT Senior Management Team / Senior Leadership Team
Special Measures Classification by OFSTED
Special School A school for children whose educational needs cannot be met within a mainstream school
Special Unit A unit attached to a mainstream school to cater for children with specific special needs
SSR Staff Student Ratio
Statementing The procedure by which a child is formally assessed as having significant special educational needs
Supply Teacher A teacher employed to fill a temporary vacancy or to take the place of an absent teacher. Sometimes also known as a 'cover' teacher
TA / LSA Teaching Assistant / Learning Support Assistant
TDA Training and Development Agency
Teachers’ TV Channel devoted to education. It was closed in 2011 but its programmes are now hosted on several websites, including the TES.
TES Times Educational Supplement
Threshold Teachers may apply to be assessed to be paid above the threshold of the incremental pay spine
TLR Teaching and Learning Responsibility
TPS Teacher’s Pension Scheme
TTRB Teacher Training Resource Bank
UPS Upper Pay Spine
Value Added A way of expressing numerically the difference a school may be held to have made to pupils’ levels of attainment
Vertical Grouping Classes formed with children of different age groups. Increasingly common as a way of organising tutorial groups
VLE Virtual Learning Environment
WBL Work Based Learning
WFR Workforce remodelling as a result of The National Agreement 2003
WRL Work Related Learning
YELLIS The Year 11 Information System which provides tests widely used in the UK and elsewhere, forming a baseline for value added measures in secondary schools
YOT Youth Offending Team